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An enduring model selection proble?

Email: lhansen@uchicago deep uncertainty, misspecification, relative entropy, statis?

His current collaborative research develops and applies methods for pricing the exposure to macroeconomic shocks over alternative investment horizons and investigates the implications of the pricing of long-term uncertainty. Lars Peter Hansen receives support from the Alfred P. Climate Change Uncertainty Spillover in the Macroeconomy∗ Mike Barnett‡ William Brock∗ Lars Peter Hansen∗∗ April 2, 2021 Abstract The design and conduct of climate change policy necessarily confronts uncertainty along multiple fronts. I greatly appreciate conversations with John Heaton, Ravi Jaggathan, Monika Piazzesi and Martin Schneider. liberty landing apts Uncertainty, Social Valuation, and Climate Change Policy∗ Michael Barnett†, William Brock∗∗, Lars Peter Hansen‡, and Hong Zhang‡‡ September 11, 2024 Abstract Uncertainty, as it pertains to climate change and other policy challenges, operates through multiple channels. (2006), we represent a In many discussions of economic policy, uncertainty about the future and how it shapes individuals' behavior takes a back seat. cls October 15,2024 9:19 Annual Review of Financial Economics Comparative Valuation Dynamics in Production Economies: Long-Run Uncertainty,Heterogeneity, and Market Frictions Lars Peter Hansen,1 Paymon Khorrami,2 and Fabrice Tourre3 1Department of Economics,University of Chicago,Chicago,Illinois,USA; email: lhansen. As a consequence, the max-min decision rule is admissible. jailyn candelario crime scene photos More generally, what would be a sensible way to design social and eco-nomic policy in the face of this uncertainty? Lars Peter Hansen: There is More to Uncertainty than Risk Lars Peter Hansen is a leading expert in economic dynamics who works at the boundaries of macroeconomics, finance, and econometrics. Professeur Honoris Causa. edu Funding information Alfred P. Such challenges are commonly framed using social valuations such as the social cost of climate change and the social value of research Fragile beliefs and the price of model uncertainty Lars Peter Hansen. Sargentn New York University, 269 Mercer Street, 7th floor, New York, NY 10003, United States article info Article history: Received 18 May 2014 Received in revised form 15 December 2014 Accepted 15 December 2014 Available online 30 December 2014 Keywords: Risk Uncertainty Model misspecification Robustness Expected. An act maps states into consequences. van buren inmate roster Hansen, the director of the Becker Friedman Institute, discussed the foundations of his prize-winning work and current research at a talk to alumni and friends in the Washington D area. ….

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