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A couple of days ago I ha?

The other player will still see the boat and things in it, and can brea?

In that case, you have to move the villager at least (but I would do more) than 100 blocks away from the village you got them from or the villager breeder you came from. The bug is fixed in an update and the user thanks Mojang for it. I had 11 within the hour. why are all my villagers fishermen. imes miller Practically inside 1x1x2 boxes within a room that's totally sealed and very well lit. I have removed the bed from the chamber just in case they were suffocating in the ceiling but I don't know if that has worked. They won’t detach from their original bed unless taken at least 100 blocks away, you could also try breaking all of the beds at the village you got them at. I housed the cured villagers within a building that is completely closed off from the outside, and sits entirely within a single chunk. These past two days my items have been randomly dissapearing, not just any items, only my enchanted diamond armor and tools. the number for fedex Once villagers die in a village they are gone, they don't respawn. The second was a random zombie villager, brought him to the same room, gave him full (enchanted) armor and named him. Reopened; MC-54556 Mobs from named spawn eggs despawn. If you shut down the game when you are seeing a bunch of villagers, and perhaps right before some "save" functions are called, the villagers will disappear when you re-enter … Learn why your villagers might vanish in Minecraft and how to bring them back. white pill g31 When i try to turn my villager into a Zombie villager, the zombie keeps on killing him instead of turning him into a villager zombie. ….

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